Primary Tradelines

Check back with us weekly for new tradelines, as we are always updating our inventory to give you the best prices and inventory possible.

Revolving Lines of Credit

Primary Type ID Name Open Date Tradeline Amount Upload Date Balance Price Bureau  
REVOLVING R17R 2020 $40K - $48K 2nd & 16th $1,250 - $3,000 $2,500 Equifax Only Purchase
REVOLVING (SECURED) R20S 2020 $25K 2nd & 13th $1,500 - $1,800 $2,250 Transunion Only Purchase
REVOLVING (UNSECURED) R20U 2020 $10K 2nd & 13th $500 - $800 $2,250 Transunion Only Purchase

Installment Loans

Primary Type ID Name Open Date Tradeline Amount Upload Date Balance Price Bureau  
INSTALLMENT I20E 2020 $40K - $48K 2nd & 16th 1,250 - $3,000 $2,225 Transunion Only Purchase

Auto Loans

Primary Type ID Name Open Date Tradeline Amount Upload Date Balance Price Bureau  
AUTO A20EX 2020 $37K - $50K 10th $1,700 - $2,300 $1,950 Experian Only Purchase
AUTO A20EQ 2020 $35K - $50K 26th $1,500 - $3,300 $2,250 Equifax Only Purchase
AUTO A20T 2020 $35K - $400K 3rd & 15th $1,500 - $8,300 $2,150 - $9,500 Transunion Only Purchase

Rental/Lease Agreements

Primary Type ID Name Lease Start Date Lease End Date Lease Amount Upload Date Price Bureau  
RENTAL/LEASE L20TE 2020 2023 (Reports monthly until 2023) $1,800 - $3,500 4th & 14th $850 Transunion & Equifax Only Purchase

Collapsible content

What is a tradeline

In the broadest sense, a tradeline is any account that appears on your credit report. Different types of tradelines include mortgages, auto loans, student loans, furniture loans, jewelry loans, installment loans, and of course, credit cards of all types.

How do tradelines work?

When someone is added as an authorized user to someone else’s account, often the full history of the account is then reflected in the records of both the primary account holder and the AU. This is because credit records do not report the date the AU was added to the account. So, after the AU is added, their credit report may begin to show years of history associated with the account.

One common example of this is when a parent designates their child as an authorized user of one of their credit cards as a way to help them get an early start on their credit. In fact, this practice of becoming an authorized user, often called “credit piggybacking,” is frequently promoted by banks and financial education sites.

How much is a tradeline?

Our tradelines range from $150 to around $1,500. Why is there such a wide range of tradeline prices? The answer is that the price of a tradeline depends on two main variables:

1) The age of the tradeline

2) The credit limit of the tradeline

In general, the higher the limit and older the tradeline, the higher the price (and vice versa).

What is tradeline renting?

Tradeline renting is the process of paying a fee to be added as an authorized user to a revolving credit account, thereby allowing the authorized user tradeline to be added to your credit report. It is a form of credit piggybacking that takes advantage of the benefits of authorized user tradelines.

“Renting tradelines” and “buying tradelines” both refer to the same transaction. The reason it is sometimes referred to as “tradeline renting” is that the consumer will only temporarily be listed as an active authorized user on the tradeline. Typically, an authorized user will be active on the tradeline for two reporting cycles, which is akin to renting the tradeline for two months.

What is a seasoned tradeline?

A seasoned tradeline is a credit account which has been aged for a period of time. Generally, accounts that are at least two years old are considered to be seasoned.

Since age is one of the most important factors of your credit score, having as much credit age as possible is essential in order to achieve the best credit score. Therefore, having a friend or family member with a seasoned tradeline can be a real asset to your credit health if they add you as an authorized user to that aged account.

Can tradelines hurt my credit?

Yes, it is possible that tradelines can actually hurt your credit if you do not choose a tradeline that is a good fit for your credit profile. In order to avoid buying poor-quality tradelines that could hurt your credit, it is essential to understand your credit situation and what your goals are before choosing a tradeline.

You also need to do the math to determine your average age of accounts before purchasing a tradeline so that you can be sure to choose a tradeline with enough age.

What is a tradeline package?

Tradeline packages are bundles of two or more tradelines sold together as a package deal. Some companies put together the tradeline packages for you, while other companies may allow you to customize your package.

Tradeline companies tend to market these packages as being the ultimate solution to building credit. After all, why buy one tradeline or choose a few tradelines for yourself when you can buy a “package” that is supposed to be extra-powerful and designed specifically for you.